Thursday, May 1, 2014


Attention contact lens wearers of the world...don't be nasty!  Soft contact lenses are like little Petri dishes where bugs can grow.  The warmth and moisture from your eyeballs provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and amoebas.  Get one of those buggers in your cornea and you may be in for a rude awakening.  Some of these critters can lead to blindness within days of initial infection.  Here are some tips to make sure that you are not a victim of Eyeballs Gone Wrong:

1.  NEVER and I repeat NEVER soak your contact lenses in water!
2.  Don't "top off" your solution.  Multipurpose solution is designed to be replaced daily.  Dump it out and start with a fresh batch every night.
3.  Let your case air dry each day.  Leave the lids on loosely to avoid contamination.
4.  Replace your case every 2 months.  Please oh please don't be one of those people who come to our office with crusty cases.  Just stop by if you need a new case and we will happily supply one.
5.  Rub your lenses when cleaning.  The No-Rub campaign is a thing of the past.  Mechanical motion aids in the removal of debris and infectious agents.
6.  Respect your contact lenses!  They are amazing little medical devices that allow you to see.

Feel free to email me with any questions.

Dr. P

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