Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

Today is the first day of our new optometry blog!  We hope that this media outlet provides our patients with information regarding the latest advancements in eyecare research and products.

The first photo to the left shows the potential effects of Age Related Macular Degeneration.  The Macula is located centrally in the retina and is responsible for processing all of our detailed vision. The second photo is a simulation of the vision experienced by a person suffering from this disease.

It is estimated that 1.75 million Americans suffer from Macular Degeneration.  Light eyed, Caucasian, females are in the highest risk group for acquiring the disease.  Taking preventative measures to prevent these retinal changes is the key to preserving vision.  Here are a few lifestyle changes that can be easily implemented:  wear quality sunglasses whenever outdoors, take a daily multivitamin, make sure that your daily lutein consumption is at least 10 mg, and be sure to get your omega3s.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.  Dr P.

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