Monday, January 14, 2013

A New View on Progressive Lenses

Let's talk progressives.  Most people wonder if they are good candidates for these lenses.  Everyone has heard a story from their "great aunt Ida" about how horrific progressives are and how they would never wear them again.  I would like to challenge that notion and introduce you to the new school of digitally enhanced progressives.

Progressive lenses became common in the market place during the 1980s.  Prior to this, lined bifocals were the preferred solution for blurred vision when reading.   Whereas lined bifocals offered only distance and near vision, progressive lenses allowed for a fluid change between all ranges of vision including distance, intermediate and near.   With the increased demand for intermediate vision due to computer use over the past 30 years, designers of progressive lenses have worked diligently make improvements in design and functionality.  Modern lenses offer more area for viewing in the intermediate and near ranges and less distortion in the periphery.

What makes digitally enhanced progressives better than "old school" lenses?  The answer is CUSTOMIZATION.  Our progressives are designed to provide you with the most precise focus and reduced distortion by offering the optimal design for your specific prescription.  The newest lenses can even take into account whether you move your eyes or head when you look side to side and which eye is dominant and provides your brain with the most visual feedback.

When new products are introduced to our practice, we put them to the test.  Digital progressives have surpassed our expectations!  Patients previously unable to wear progressives can now work comfortably without having to strain their eyes and necks while using the computer.  Those who are new to the world of progressive lenses are able to transition easily without feeling like they are looking through a fishbowl.  The overall response has been overwhelmingly positive.

If you interested in learning more about the latest in progressive design be sure to check out these videos or contact our opticians for more details.